Honduran Milksnakes
Honduran Milksnakes
(Lampropeltis triangulum hondurenis)
Large, robust, active and colorful snakes suitable for keepers of various experience levels.
Enclosure Size:
Hondurans typically grow to between 4.5 and 6 feet, so an enclosure footprint of 4 feet by two feet works quite well to keep them happy and healthy. They will climb so use what height your cage has for extra stimulus climbing décor. Hides in both cooler areas and warmer areas of the enclosure prove beneficial for thermoregulation. Hondurans appreciate a large water dish as well. Keeping your snake’s water clean and fresh is one the most important factors in their well being.
Found in more mountainous areas of Central America they do best with a small nighttime temperature drop into the high 70’s/ low 80’s, daytime highs do not need to exceed 88. Providing a thermal gradient across the enclosure spanning this range will mean your snake will always find the spot that is right.
Basking Spot Temperature: 87°F-90°F
Warm Side Ambient Temperature: 85°F-88°F
Cool Side Ambient Temperature: 78°F-85°F
Optional Night-time Ambient Drop: 78°F-82°F
Although the mountainous regions of central America are cooler and sometimes drier than the low-lying areas. They should not be confused with dry or cold. A relative humidity of 60 to 65 percent will keep your Honduran healthy. To aid in maintaining this humidity our preferred substrate is a blend of coconut fiber, cypress mulch, organic topsoil and a little shredded New Zealand sphagnum moss. This blend allows a light spraying to generate humidity for a while without having to soak things. (Wet enclosures are a breeding ground for health problems). Straight coconut fiber also works well, however aspen and most other wood shavings should be avoided. A large water bowl can aid in maintaining humidity and will allow for the occasional soak to which they are not adverse.
Though these large milks are opportunistic feeders in the wild consuming lizards, birds, smaller snakes and various rodents. They will do perfectly fine in captivity on a diet of mice. Though many keepers prefer the use of rats over mice due to the higher caloric content (fat) of rats and less cost overall when feeding adults; we will feed multiple larger mice as opposed to one smaller rat. The result is a well-fed snake with less obesity and better overall health in general. Once/week with appropriately sized mice (slightly larger than the largest portion of the snake’s girth) is a perfectly adequate feeding regimen for these substantial colubrids.